Chief Secretary to the Treasury

Laura Trott MBE MP


Laura Trott was appointed Chief Secretary to the Treasury on 13 November 2023.

She was previously Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Work and Pensions between 27 October 2022 and 13 November 2023.

Chief Secretary to the Treasury

The Chief Secretary (CST) is responsible for public expenditure, including:

  • spending reviews and strategic planning
  • in-year spending control
  • public sector pay and pensions
  • Annually Managed Expenditure (AME) and welfare reform
  • efficiency and value for money in public service
  • procurement
  • capital investment
  • infrastructure spending
  • housing and planning
  • spending issues related to trade
  • transport policy, including HS2, Crossrail 2, Roads, Network Rail, Oxford/Cambridge corridor
  • Treasury interest in devolution to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • women in the economy
  • skills, labour market policy and childcare policy, including tax free childcare
  • tax credits policy
  • housing and planning
  • legislative strategy
  • state pensions/ pensioner benefits
  • freeports – with support from EST on customs aspects .

More about this role

HM Treasury

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