Local laws and customs

Bermuda is a separate legal jurisdiction to the United Kingdom and has its own laws.

Don’t become involved with drugs of any kind. Possession or importation can attract severe penalties.

The possession or importation of weapons (including air pistols and catapults) or ammunition (including empty magazines) is illegal. Those caught will be subject to severe penalties.

Bermuda, while welcoming, is a conservative place. There are no nude or topless beaches and it is an offence to appear in public topless. Drinking alcohol in public outside of licensed premises is not allowed.


Homosexuality became legal under Bermuda law in 1994. The Domestic Partnerships Act came into effect on 01 June 2018 which provided domestic partnerships for both same sex and opposite sex couples and removed the entitlement for same sex couples to marry. In line with the Domestic Partnership Amendment Act 2022, same sex marriages that took place in Bermuda before 14 March 2022 remain valid.

Attitudes to homosexuality are tolerant but conservative and some people may not approve of public displays of affection between same-sex couples. See our information and advice page for the LGBT community before you travel.