
Coronavirus travel health

Check the latest information on risk from COVID-19 for Bermuda on the TravelHealthPro website.

See the TravelHealthPro website for further advice on travel abroad and reducing spread of respiratory viruses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

International Travel

LF Wade International Airport is open for commercial flights. Visitors are required to complete a digital arrival form prior to arrival in Bermuda. Visit the Government of Bermuda website for more information.

Entry and borders

See Entry requirements to find out what you will need to do when you arrive in Bermuda.

Be prepared for your plans to change

No travel is risk-free during COVID-19. Countries may further restrict travel or bring in new rules at short notice, for example due to a new COVID-19 variant. Check with your travel company or airline for any transport changes which may delay your journey home.

If you test positive for COVID-19, you may need to stay where you are until you test negative. You may also need to seek treatment there.

Plan ahead and make sure you:

  • can access money
  • understand what your insurance will cover
  • can make arrangements to extend your stay and be away for longer than planned


Resorts, hotels and cottages reopened at the beginning of July 2020. We recommend you check before you travel.

Public spaces and services

Face masks are required to be worn indoors when travelling by bus, ferry (excluding the outdoor decks), taxi, limousine or minibus. Face masks are also required to be worn indoors when working in or visiting health service providers, prisons and at the airport.

Businesses may prefer to continue to require face masks be worn by people entering their premises or accessing their services. If so, all customers must comply with the mask policy of the business.

For further information on coronavirus regulations, you should consult the Bermuda Government website.

Healthcare in Bermuda

Medication and medical treatment in Bermuda are very expensive. You should make sure you have travel insurance before travelling. Most types of medication are readily available in Bermuda including UK brands, but you should bring extra medication with you to Bermuda to prepare for unplanned and extended stays.

If you become seriously ill, you should visit A&E in King Edwards VII Memorial Hospital.

Practice physical distancing, good hygiene and mask wearing in all public spaces where there is close contact with others.

Monitor your health and take your temperature twice a day. If your temperature is over 100.4F or 38C, contact the public health team on

If you test positive for COVID-19 while in Bermuda, you should follow the guidance on the Bermuda Government website.

Your emotional and mental wellbeing is important. Read guidance on how to look after your mental wellbeing and mental health.


For information on financial support you can access whilst abroad, visit our financial assistance guidance.

Further information

If you need urgent assistance, see Emergency Assistance and Entry Requirements