Visa to pass through the UK in transit

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1. Overview

You might need a visa to pass through the UK in transit (on your way to another country).

Check if you need one before you apply.

You do not need a transit visa if you:

Types of transit visa

The visa you need depends on whether you’re going through UK border control when you arrive in the UK.

Your airline can tell you if you’ll go through border control.

If you’re not going through UK border control

Apply for a Direct Airside Transit visa if you’ll be changing flights in the UK and will not be going through UK border control.

If you’re going through UK border control

Apply for a Visitor in Transit visa if you’ll be going through UK border control but leaving the UK within 48 hours.

If you’re staying in the UK for more than 48 hours

You’ll need to apply for a Standard Visitor visa instead of a Visitor in Transit visa if either:

  • you need to stay more than 48 hours in the UK

  • you need to frequently pass through the UK over a period of over six months

2. If you're not going through border control (Direct Airside Transit visa)

You might need a Direct Airside Transit visa if you:

  • will be changing flights in the UK on your way to another country

  • will not go through UK border control

Check if you need a visa

You may not have to apply for a visa. What you need to do depends on your nationality and whether you need to enter the UK. Check if you need to apply for a visa.

You do not need one if you have a valid:

You must apply for another type of visitor visa if you’re travelling to or from Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.

How to apply

Check how to apply.

How much it costs

A Direct Airside Transit visa costs £35. This may change slightly depending on which country you’re in.

3. If you're going through border control (Visitor in Transit visa)

You might need a Visitor in Transit visa if you’re:

  • changing flights in the UK on your way to another country

  • going through UK border control, for example to check in your luggage for a connecting flight

  • leaving the UK within 48 hours

  • not working or studying while in the UK

You may not have to apply for a visa. What you need to do depends on your nationality and whether you need to enter the UK. Check if you need to apply for a visa.

If you will not be going through UK border control, check if you need a Direct Airside Transit visa instead.

You do not need a transit visa if you have a valid:

You need to apply for a Standard Visitor visa if you’re staying in the UK for more than 48 hours.

How to apply

Check how to apply.

How much it costs

A Visitor in Transit visa costs £64. This may change slightly depending on which country you’re in.

Travel to the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland

You might need to apply for a visitor visa to travel through the UK to get to the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland.

You’ll usually need to apply for a Standard Visitor visa unless you’re exempt.

You do not need a UK visitor visa if:

  • you have a valid visa for the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man

  • you have a valid Irish biometric visa (marked ‘BC’ or ‘BC BIVS’ in the ‘Remarks’ section)

If you need to pass through the UK regularly

You can also apply for a long-term Standard Visitor visa if you need to pass through the UK in transit regularly over a longer period. You can stay for a maximum of 6 months on each visit and your visa can last for 2, 5 or 10 years.

4. Apply

Apply online for a Direct Airside Transit visa or a Visitor in Transit visa.

Apply now

Documents you need

You must have a current passport or other valid travel document.

If you’re not a national of the country you’re travelling to, you need to provide evidence that you’re allowed to enter that country, such as a:

  • residence permit
  • green card
  • valid visa

If you’re not a resident or national of the country you’re travelling to, you may need to explain why you’re going there. You may need to provide details of where you’re staying.

You may be asked to prove that your onward journey is booked or confirmed.

You can use evidence such as:

  • a flight booking email
  • a ticket or boarding pass, either printed or on your phone
  • confirmation from a travel agent

Bring your visa and documents with you when you travel through the UK.

Get help to apply online

If you do not feel confident using a computer or mobile device, you can contact UKVI to get help completing the online form.

After you apply

You’ll need to have your fingerprints and photograph (known as ‘biometric information’) taken at a visa application centre as part of your application.

UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) or the Visa Application Centre will contact you when a decision has been made about your visa.

How long it takes to get a decision

You’ll usually get a decision on your visa within 3 weeks.

You may be able to get your visa faster or other services depending on what country you’re in - check with your visa application centre.