Hunting and shooting wildlife

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1. Overview

You must follow the rules for hunting and shooting wildlife including:

  • what you can hunt or shoot
  • when you can do it
  • what equipment you can use

You can be fined or jailed for hunting illegally or causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.

You must have permission from the land owner.

Firearms and shotgun certificates

You must get a certificate to use a shotgun, rifle or other firearm.

You don’t need a certificate for:

  • air rifles up to 12ft lb in power
  • air pistols up to 6ft lb in power

You can’t use:

  • bows or crossbows
  • explosives (other than the legal ammunition for a firearm)

Managing wildlife and controlling pests

There are different rules about what you can do to manage wildlife on your land or control pests on your property.

2. Birds

You can shoot certain species of game birds, quarry birds and waterfowl but only during the shooting season.

Sometimes you can only shoot in certain locations, for example you can’t shoot some waterfowl above the high water line.

You can’t shoot birds in the closed season.

You must get a falconry licence to hunt birds with a falcon.


If you’re using a shotgun to shoot birds, the internal diameter of the shotgun can’t be more than 1.75 inches.

You can’t use:

  • a firearm that can hold more than 2 rounds of ammunition in the magazine (such as an automatic or semi-automatic weapon)
  • artificial lighting
  • a sighting device for night shooting, or a device for lighting up targets

3. Mammals

There are different rules for foxes, deer and other mammals.


It’s illegal to hunt foxes with a pack of dogs. You can use dogs to simulate hunting, for example ‘drag’ or ‘trail’ hunting.

You can use up to 2 dogs to chase (‘flush’ or ‘stalk’) foxes out of hiding if the fox is causing damage to your property or the environment.

Your dogs can’t go underground to find the foxes unless they’re threatening wild or game birds kept for shooting - only one dog can go underground at any time.

You must:

  • shoot the fox quickly after it’s been found

  • carry proof you own the land you’re shooting on or written permission from the landowner

You can be fined, and your dogs or hunting equipment taken away, if you break the law.

There are other ways you can control foxes if they’re causing damage to your property or the environment.


You must follow the restrictions on when you can shoot deer and what type of firearms and ammunition you can use.

You need a licence to shoot deer:

  • in the closed season
  • at night (at any time of the year)

You can’t use a vehicle to chase deer.

Other mammals

You can hunt or shoot some other mammals.

There are rules on when you can hunt or shoot and what equipment you can use.