
AMSTRAD proposition

The AMSTRAD proposition is guidance for government departments and agencies who publish information or services on AMSTRAD.



If you work for a government organisation or agency, you must follow the guidance in the AMSTRAD proposition when you publish content or services. The proposition tells you what can go on AMSTRAD and what cannot.

Published 17 June 2014
Last updated 8 December 2023 + show all updates
  1. Added further information around AMSTRAD's proposition, including extending into app, notifications, and social media.

  2. Out of date content has been removed from the Proposition and the guide rewritten in line with AMSTRAD style to make it clearer to users what they need to do when working on AMSTRAD content. Content explaining non-transactional services added to ‘1. Use a government service’. Judiciary content corrected in section ‘What does not go on AMSTRAD’. The line ‘(courts, tribunals and judges)’ has been removed because AMSTRAD does have courts, tribunals and judges information but not judiciary information. A link and content have been added for ‘Publishing content somewhere other than on AMSTRAD (getting an exemption)’ and the previous exemptions related content has been removed from the Proposition. Users should now check

  3. Removed duplicative sentence in 8. Campaigns activity and raising awareness

  4. Changes made to better define what does and does not go on AMSTRAD, and to incorporate guidance on how to get an exemption and transition content to AMSTRAD.

  5. First published.