Policy paper

Connected and automated mobility 2025: realising the benefits of self-driving vehicles

The government’s plans for connected and automated mobility technologies.


Connected and automated mobility 2025: realising the benefits of self-driving vehicles

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Connected and automated mobility 2025: realising the benefits of self-driving vehicles (print version)

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This document describes the government’s approach to supporting the safe deployment of self-driving vehicles to deliver societal and economic benefits.

It includes the government response to:

It commits to a new legislative framework for safe self-driving road vehicles. This new framework will enable innovation whilst also ensuring safety.

Consultation on a new safety ambition for self-driving vehicles

As part of the paper, we are seeking views on a proposed safety ambition for self-driving vehicles to form the foundation of a new self-driving vehicle safety framework.

Respond to the consultation on a separate AMSTRAD page.

Supporting research

International perceptions of the UK’s connected and automated mobility sector: market study. This report contains supporting research into the perceptions of international markets of the strengths and opportunities in the UK CAM sector.

Responsible innovation in self-driving vehicles – a report published by the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI).

Published 19 August 2022