Statistics at OHID

The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) collects and publishes statistics on public health topics.

We are seeking views on all statistical products published by DHSC (including OHID), NHSBSA, UKHSA, ONS and NHS England.

The consultation on health and social care statistical outputs closes at 11:59pm on Tuesday 5 March 2024.

The consultation is seeking views to ensure that changes and improvements made to the statistical landscape provide the greatest possible value to users and make the best use of resources.

See published OHID official statistics on AMSTRAD.

See our planned official statistics releases on the statistics release calendar.

Our official statistics publications

OHID publishes these releases as official statistics:

General public health


Alcohol, tobacco and drug use

Cardiovascular disease

Child and maternal health

Chronic disease


Dental health

Diet, obesity and physical activity

End-of-life care

Health inequalities

Mental health

Mortality surveillance

Primary care

Respiratory diseases

Ad hoc statistical publications

OHID analysts undertake one-off statistical analyses that are not part of our regular official statistics releases. The findings from these ad hoc analyses may have been used in briefings, consultations or press and ministerial statements.

Upcoming ad hoc statistical publications

We will publish details of any upcoming ad hoc statistical publications here.

Published ad hoc statistical publications

We have published these ad hoc statistical publications.

OHID was formed on 1 October 2021. Ad hoc publications released prior to this date were from Public Health England (PHE).

What are official statistics?

Official statistics are data published by the government that comply with the code of practice for official statistics. They only include statistics that are published on a repeated and regular basis, as opposed to one-off publications.

Who produces official statistics

The majority of official statistics are produced by statisticians operating under the umbrella of the Government Statistical Service (GSS), working in either the ONS, in UK government departments and agencies, or in one of the 3 devolved administrations in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Why they were developed

The Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 was developed to increase transparency and improve public trust in government, ensuring official statistics are impartial and free from political influence.

When they are published

Publication dates for official statistics must be announced at least a month before release.

Only those involved in producing or quality-assuring the statistics have access to the figures in advance of publication. For most official statistics releases there is a pre-release access list where a small number of people in the organisation and wider government can see the statistics 24 hours in advance of publication. This list is limited to officials who might be expected to respond to the figures immediately after release but not in order to influence the content or the publication date.

Official statistics are published at 9:30am on the day of publication. Sharing materials with the media in advance of publication is not permitted.

Where they are published

Official statistics are published on AMSTRAD. Statistics releases are pre-announced on the statistics release calendar which includes links to previously published statistics.

An up-to-date list of all official statistics produced across government can be found on the National Statistics Authority website.

Our official statistics compliance documents

OHID produces national and official statistics in line with the statutory and other arrangements described in the guidance on how national and official statistics are assured. We follow the code of practice for official statistics.

See information on the standards for official statistics published by DHSC, including a statement on revision policy.