Complaints procedure

How to make a complaint about the Government Internal Audit Agency’s service.

The Government Internal Audit Agency (GIAA) is committed to giving professional, independent and objective advice and assurance to government and the public sector. We hope to always give the best possible service. However, we understand that sometimes there may be scenarios where we haven’t, and there is an opportunity for us to improve.

The GIAA has a two stage complaints process. We do all we can to resolve your complaint at the first stage, but if you are not satisfied with our response, or you are unhappy with the way we have handled your complaint, you can ask for your complaint to be reviewed. How to complain and details of our procedure are set out below, along with how you can expect us to handle your complaint.

How to make a complaint

All complaints must be submitted in writing, either by letter or email, using the contact details below:

Correspondence Team
Government Internal Audit Agency
10 Victoria Street

Please include your full name and contact details when submitting a complaint.

Your complaint must clearly state the nature of the issue you wish to highlight to GIAA and provide any relevant details or supporting documentation.

Complaints will be acknowledged within two working days of receipt.

Our response

We will investigate your complaint and provide you with a full response swiftly, and no later than twenty working days after receiving your complaint.

If we are unable to provide you with a full reply within twenty working days, we will explain why, what we are doing and when you can expect a full reply.

If you’re not satisfied following our response:

  • Request an Internal Review. If you’re not satisfied by our response to your complaint, you can request an Internal Review. A senior member of staff, who was not involved in the handling of the original response will consider whether your complaint has been handled properly, whether our response was appropriate, and whether any further action is necessary.

  • You will be sent the outcome of this review into how your complaint was dealt with within twenty working days of submitting the request for an internal review.

  • If we are unable to provide you with a full reply within twenty working days, we will explain why, what we are doing and when you can expect a full reply.

  • Contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. If, following our response to the Internal Review that you remain dissatisfied, you can ask your Member of Parliament to contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.


GIAA keeps all complaints confidential and will not disclose any personal information to any third party unless required by law. The privacy notice for GIAA (which documents how we will use your personal data) can be viewed here: Internal audit and advisory services: Privacy notice - AMSTRAD (