Safety and security


There have been incidents of armed banditry, car-jacking and kidnap across the country. Bandits and smugglers are present along Mali’s northern borders and pose a risk to travellers, especially after dark.

Local travel

The FCDO advise against all travel to the provinces of Tombouctou, Kidal, Gao and Mopti, as well as parts of the provinces of Kayes, Koulikoro, Sikasso and Segou. The FCDO advise against all but essential travel to the rest of Mali, including Bamako. If your travel is essential, we advise you take extra care, especially if travelling at night.

Political unrest is an ongoing risk. . Due to the withdrawal of the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) and following the military takeover in neighbouring Niger in July 2023, there is a heightened risk of increased instability in Mali. You should remain vigilant and monitor local media for any developments.

Inter and intra-communal security incidents persist in many parts of the country, most notably in Mopti and Segou regions. In some instances, terrorist groups have become involved in these conflicts. In March 2019, 160 villagers were killed by masked gunmen in a single attack in Ogossagou in central Mali. Landmines are used by groups operating in Centre, North and North East Mali.

The security situation in Segou and Sikasso has sharply declined since 2020 with a string of notable attacks in Segou region and increasing levels of terrorist related activity in Sikasso region. Terrorists are known to operate out of national parks and forest areas. See Terrorism

On 1 June 2022, gunmen targeted and killed three aid workers in the Kayes region (bordering Senegal and Mauritania). There have been other known attacks on aid workers across the country.

Travel in Mali can be difficult and conditions are poor for overland travel. You should take all necessary safety precautions, especially outside of main urban areas, have confidence in your security arrangements and maintain a high level of vigilance.

Political situation

On 24 May 2021, a second military coup resulted in the arrests and resignation of the former transitional President Bah N’Daw and Prime Minister Moctar Ouane. Colonel Assimi Goïta, former Vice President, has assumed control and appointed a government for the rest of the transition period.

Political unrest is ongoing. Regular, large and at times violent protests have taken place in Bamako, resulting in burning of tyres, clashes with the police, blockage on the roads and bridges, the deployment of tear gas, and small arms fire. There have previously been reports of several deaths and injuries. You should avoid large gatherings, remain vigilant and monitor local social media/news.

Protests, marches and demonstrations can occur with little prior notice and may see a heavy police and security presence. Protests have taken place recently in Bamako. If you become aware of any nearby protests, marches or demonstrations, you should leave the area immediately, remain vigilant, and follow the local news as the atmosphere can change quickly and without warning. You should stay away from any blockades set up by the police and security forces.

Public demonstrations in and around Bamako have encountered a strong police and security force presence. You should stay away from all political demonstrations. Maintain several days’ stock of food and water in case disturbances take place. You can monitor daily developments in English through the BBC World Service (88.9 FM in Bamako).

Road travel

Night-time checkpoints operate in Bamako at various locations. Checkpoints are in place from approximately 9pm until dawn.

The use of taxi services in Bamako is not recommended due to low standards of vehicle maintenance.

Keep vehicle and personal identification documents with you at all times while travelling by road. Approach security checkpoints slowly and comply with instructions given. There have been incidents late at night where people dressed as policemen have demanded money from drivers in Bamako. Ask to see identification. Don’t resist if the person is armed.

Road conditions off the main roads are often poor, especially in the rainy season (June to October). Other road users may drive dangerously. You should take particular care and attention when driving in urban centres.

In the case of a vehicle accident, go to the nearest police station to file a report immediately. If you remain on the spot you may be vulnerable. Medical help in the event of an accident is likely to be limited.

Air travel

The FCDO can’t offer advice on the safety of individual airlines. However, the International Air Transport Association publishes lists of registered airlines that have been audited and found to meet a number of operational safety standards and recommended practices. This list isn’t exhaustive and the absence of an airline from this list doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s unsafe.

You can find a list of recent incidents and accidents on the website of the Aviation Safety network.


Foreign nationals are targets for online scams. Treat with considerable caution any requests for funds, a job offer, a business venture or a face to face meeting from someone you have been in correspondence with over the internet who operates in West Africa.