Local laws and customs

The Cayman Islands is a separate legal jurisdiction to the United Kingdom and has its own laws.

There are harsh penalties for those caught with drugs of any kind. The possession or importation of weapons (including air pistols and catapults) or ammunition (including empty magazines) is illegal. Those caught will be subject to severe penalties.

Observe customs regulations on the import and export of agricultural products and the protection of marine and animal life. There are a number of marine and animal specimens that may not be taken from the islands. If in doubt, check with the customs office before buying, or attempting to import or export such items.

Same sex marriage is no longer legal in the Cayman Islands, however legislation was passed in September 2020 legalising civil partnerships. Hotels and resorts are generally welcoming, regardless of sexual orientation. Local attitudes can be conservative and some people may not approve of public displays of affection between same-sex couples. See our information and advice page for the LGBT community before you travel.