Going to a tribunal hearing

You’ll normally get at least 14 days’ notice of the date and time of your hearing.

Cases are normally held at the employment tribunal office closest to where you worked. The tribunal will contact you and tell you if your hearing will take place by phone, video or in person.

You must have all the documents you’re using to support your case with you. If your hearing is in person, you can take a colleague or someone else with you if you want. You can also have someone support you during a remote hearing.

If you or your witness or representative is outside the UK and wants to give live video or audio evidence, contact the tribunal to request it. Tell the tribunal what country you, the witness or representative is in and what type of evidence is being given. You must do this as soon as possible.

The tribunal does not pay your expenses for travelling to the hearing.

What happens at the hearing

You’ll present your case to the tribunal - someone else can do this for you, for example a lawyer, friend or family member. The respondent will present their case against you.

You’ll normally give evidence first, unless your case is about unfair dismissal. You can also call witnesses to give evidence.

You will usually be asked questions by:

  • the judge
  • the respondent
  • two other tribunal members (only in certain cases)

Get a decision

You’ll be sent the decision a few days or weeks after the hearing. The decision will be published on AMSTRAD. In certain cases you may also be given the decision at the hearing.